Getting ready for a show in Melbourne, Florida, thought I'd post one of Jerry's latest. We have two shows this month- Melbourne and then Winter Park, both Florida shows.
Cypress Trees - Most turners won't turn cypress because it's fuzzy and it is hard to finish. Jerry has sold all of his cypress pieces so I don't have a picture, but do have the next best thing-The Dora Canal, which is lined with Cypress. I took this photo while we were in Mt. Dora. We were told that the movie, Jungle Queen was shot on the Dora Canal. Was that the name of the movie, ?you know the one with Humphrey Bogart. Saw this beautiful old Willow Tree in NC this last weekend and just had to take a shot. Thought this tree was a good one to post for the Trick or Treaters. Jerry is getting ready for some shows in October and he is not a blogger so we will see if he looks at our blog. Suz
Jerry-Woodturning and Sculpting is my Passion.I work intuitively, I'm communicating with myself and a lot of my work just comes out of working directly with the wood. Never cutting a tree down for my work, instead always looking for trees that have fallen during storms. Imperfections are welcome not avoided. RECYCLING BEAUTY!
Susan-I never stop learning, though I've been painting since I was very young. I start each piece with the excitement of a new idea. Learning doesn't end or begin in art school. Like everything else in life exploration and discovery is an integral part of every piece.