Sunday, June 28, 2009

Workshop Artist

"Think wrongly, if you please, but in all cases think for Yourself." Doris Leasing/Love that saying, so many times people will take WS and end up painting in the same style as the instructor. The other saying I have taped to my easel, "Accept the challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory" General G Paton
While organizing my studio (yes, I'm still organizing) I found my easel-One of my toys. Every painting WS I attended or put on, I would have the artist sign, there are some that I don't have like Gerald Brommer, Serge Hollerbach, Jan Kunz, Alex Powers, Warren Taylor, Judy Betts and there were more, I took there WS's either before or after.
The people who did sign -Miles Batt, Mary Todd Beam, Fran Larsen, Pat Deadman, Polly Hammett, Westerman, McClish, Don Getz, who told me about Carla O'Connor, Schink, Skip Lawrance, Virginia Cobb, Susanna Spann, Stehen Quiller, Don Andrews, Dot Brady and of course Jerry.
I am really impressed, didn't realize how many wonderful artist that I studied with

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